Fintech Revolution: Highlights from Unchain Festival 2024

The Unchain Festival 2024 brought together the brightest minds and boldest innovators in the fintech world for two exhilarating days of discussions, presentations, and networking. Held on June 19th and 20th in Oradea, Romania, this event was a melting pot of ideas, exploring everything from regulatory frameworks and digital identities to cutting-edge payment innovations and sustainable banking practices.

Attendees were treated to a diverse array of keynotes, panel sessions, and workshops, offering deep insights into the current state and future directions of financial technology. Here’s a comprehensive look at the highlights and key takeaways from both action-packed days.

June 19th, 2024

The Unchain Festival kicked off on a bright note, bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts from the world of fintech and finance. The first day was packed with insightful keynotes, engaging panel discussions, and groundbreaking presentations across three stages: the Main Stage, the Content Stage, and the Innovation Stage.

Main Stage Highlights:

The day began with an official opening at 10:00 AM, setting the tone for a day full of cutting-edge discussions. The keynote by the National Bank of Romania was a significant highlight, providing an authoritative perspective on the current financial landscape. Following this, the Fintech Perspective by Edfa delved into the evolving fintech ecosystem.

Key discussions continued with topics on regulation and innovation, the impact of instant payments, and the state of innovation in payments. Visa’s keynote on payment innovations was particularly noteworthy, shedding light on the future of digital transactions.

Post-lunch, the focus shifted to regulatory frameworks, digital assets, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The day concluded with the Digital Bank of the Year Award at 5:30 PM, celebrating excellence in the field.

Content Stage Highlights:

Parallel sessions on the Content Stage emphasized diversity and global perspectives. Celebrating diversity and the role of academia in finance were key sessions promoting inclusivity and knowledge-sharing. The afternoon saw discussions on supporting digital finance ecosystems and cross-border payments, crucial for understanding global financial dynamics.

Innovation Stage Highlights:

The Innovation Stage was abuzz with pitching sessions from budding startups. These sessions provided a platform for innovative ideas and products, fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship. The cross-border fintech innovations highlighted the collaborative efforts needed for seamless international transactions.

The first day of the Unchain Festival was a testament to the vibrant and dynamic nature of the fintech industry, setting a high bar for the subsequent sessions.

June 20th, 2024

The second day of the Unchain Festival continued the momentum, diving deeper into specialized topics and future directions in fintech and digital banking.

Main Stage Highlights:

The day opened at 10:00 AM with a keynote by Chris Skinner, an influential thinker in fintech. His insights into the digital banking journey were both thought-provoking and inspiring. Following this, key sessions on neobanking and digital banking innovation kept the audience engaged.

The discussion on The UX Factor in Digital Financial Services, led by Iván Muck, Co-Founder & CEO of, was particularly interesting. Panel discussions on compliance and digital identity highlighted the importance of security and user-centric approaches in fintech, while the focus on sustainable banking underscored the industry’s commitment to environmental responsibility.

Main Stage: The UX Factor in Digital Financial

Afternoon sessions were geared towards nurturing fintech startups, with talks on fintech talent and investment. The day wrapped up with the Startup Competition Award, celebrating the most promising new ventures. The winner of the Startup Competition was the Hungarian BNPL provider fintech company, PastPay.

Content Stage Highlights:

The Content Stage featured forums focused on regional fintech advancements. The Polish Fintech Forum followed by forums on finance in the UK, Hungary, and Romania, provided a comprehensive overview of fintech developments across Europe. The Hungarian Fintech Forum was represented by Kristóf Csányi (Peak), Bálint Réti (PastPay) and András Vizsy (Bookkeepie). Baiba Rozenberga, Head of Startups at MBH Fintechlab, moderated the session

Content Stage: Hungarian Fintech Forum

Workshops in the afternoon offered hands-on learning experiences, with topics like anti-fraud measures and leveraging APIs for innovative banking solutions, ensuring attendees left with practical insights.

Innovation Stage Highlights:

The Innovation Stage on Day 2 was dedicated to workshops and mixers, starting with an investors mixer at 9:30 AM, fostering networking and collaboration. Workshops by the Startup Academy onward provided valuable training for budding entrepreneurs.

The Unchain Festival’s second day reinforced its role as a crucible for fintech innovation, offering deep dives into current challenges and future opportunities in the industry.

Overall, the Unchain Festival successfully brought together thought leaders and innovators, paving the way for the future of digital finance with a blend of insightful discussions, practical workshops, and networking opportunities.